但這個Terminal 1E是火災後由停車場改建的臨時航廈,現在還一直使用;Arrival Hall真的超簡陋。我本來的航班抵達時是Terminal 1C,但坐巴士入境時竟然送到Terminal 1E。我本來是要從1C走到1E與友人會合,現在真的如有神助,省去推著行李走十多分鐘的時間。在機場等了一個多小時,天氣由陽光普照變成下起傾盤大雨來。現在明明是旱季,為甚麼雨下得那麼大? 心裡一直祈求不要再下雨,否則這次追蹤動物的旅程一定失敗。
與Perfect Wilderness訂好接機服務,費用已包在團費內。這天就住在奈羅比的Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel。不要被名稱誤導,與瑞士無關。這是間由中國集團管理的酒店。酒店提供收費的接送服務,更可用微信連絡。相信酒店只有中國客人光顧。訂房時真沒想到會有那麼多中國客來奈羅比,否則我怎會訂這酒店。
酒店只有一家餐廳。餐廳的服務與中國國情一致。本來不打算吃自助餐的。服務員給了我一本點菜的平版電腦。我點了羊排,友人點了牛排。點好菜後十五分鐘告訴我沒有羊排,於是改點了牛排,改點牛排十五分鐘後告訴我們連牛排也沒有。這就是中國國情,硬件雖好,可馬上將菜單傳到廚房,但菜單的菜式都是子虛烏有的,總是軟件出現問題。廚師只做自助餐,其他一律不做,做又三十六,不做又三十六,你奈得他何嗎? 問一下酒店還有沒有其他餐廳,答案是沒有。於是,各人只能吃自助餐。是吃與沒得吃的選擇。自助餐中,我看到說是沒有貨的羊排。自助餐不難吃,不過二十美元的餐費應該有更好的選擇。
有非洲人的主食 - Chapati - 非洲pancake - 幾乎每一餐都見到
大家被載到集合地點上車,直開去Masai Mara。這輛車是由minivan改裝的safari 車,連司機共坐了十個人。我們的頭三天是budget group tour,當時根本不知道在坦桑尼亞的後幾天會變成private tour。這輛車的車尾已裝上我們的大件行李,手提行李只能全程放在大腿上。
由奈羅比到Masai Mara要七小時,其中的路段很顛簸。司機笑稱為Kenyan massage。
來到Rift Valley的觀景台。
Cafe外牆畫上Big Five圖案
司機手指指著的路面就是今年三月Rift Valley出現嚴重地陷的地方。
據Masai village的村民說,十頭牛就可以換到一個老婆
2019年1月16日電: 奈羅比泰資的Dusit D2酒店遭恐襲,至少15人死亡
Nairobi DusitD2 hotel attacked by suspected militants
Suspected militants have attacked a luxury hotel complex in Nairobi, killing at least six people.
Gunfire and blasts were heard at the compound in the Westlands district of the Kenyan capital, which houses the Dusit D2 hotel as well as offices.
The Somalia-based militant group al-Shabab said it was behind the attack.
Despite the government saying all the buildings were secured by Tuesday evening, fresh gunfire has since been heard.
Officials and witnesses said at least five people died at a restaurant in the complex in the incident, while another person died of their injuries in hospital.
A US citizen is among the dead, according to the US State Department.
But the total number killed is not yet confirmed - a mortuary worker told Reuters that it was at least 15.
Below we take a look at the major attacks carried out by the group in Kenya
2013: In September 2013, al-Shabab fighters stormed Nairobi's Westgate Mall, firing indiscriminately at shoppers and killing 67 people in a siege that lasted 80 hours.
The assault horrified the world and exposed weaknesses in Kenya's security forces.
2014: In November 2014, members of Somalia's al-Shabab armed group hijacked a bus in Kenya and killed 28 non-Muslims on board.
"What happened in Mandera today we did in revenge for what the non-believer government has done to innocent Muslims," Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, a spokesman for the group, told Al Jazeera.
April 2015: Al-Shabab launched an assault on Garissa University College in Kenya, killing 148, mainly students.
January 2016: Fighters from the Somali armed group assaulted a Kenyan-run military base for African Union peacekeepers, killing scores of Kenyan soldiers.
January 2019: Two explosions and gunfire heard at an upscale hotel complex in Nairobi, Kenya's capital.